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You still have time! I think? You decide!
This is how much time is left before you must summit your entry.
Silversmithing Contest for
May 2002
Deadline For Submitting Entries: April 20th, 2002
2 inches of 3/16 serrated fine silver bezel
          Note: If you already have some bezel and you wish to use it, I will make an exception to this one.
          However, just so that you know, I teach my students to never use any thing but serrated bezel, and
          for almost every project, 3/16 inch bezel.
                    (Rio Grande  #101-052 Minimum order 42 inches = $5.61 (about 13 cents per foot))
Approximate Cost: $0.25
12 inches of 18 gauge round sterling silver wire
                    (Rio Grande # 100-318 Minimum order 6 feet = 4.54 (about 76 cents per foot))
Approximate Cost: $1.00
1 inch x 1 inch 26 gauge sterling silver sheet
                    ( Rio Grande #100-126 Minimum order 1x6 inches = (about 74 cents per 1x1 inch))
Approximate Cost: $0.75
One 12 x 10 mm stone
          Note: You may use any stone that is valued at less than $1.00. The purpose of this contest is to see
          who can design and make the best piece from this very inexpensive materlist list. The stone, it's
          color and it's quality will not be factored into the decission making process. I will be judging the
          silversmithing techniques only. Some examples of these inexpensive stones are show below. 
Approximate Cost: $1.00

The photos  of the stones were taken from the Rio Grande catalog so I included their  catalog numbers for you. If you do not have a stone, I highly recommend ordering them from Rio Grande: 1-800-545-6566. You will have to order 6 or 12 stones, but the cost of all of them is still very inexpensive. This one piece will more than pay for all of them.

Misc Supplies: Hard Solder, flux, pickle, Silver Black oxidizer.
Approximate Cost: $1.00

Approximate Total Cost of Materials: $4.00

12 x 10 mm
Blue Paua Shell
(073-586) 6 for $3.26
55 cents each

12 x 10 mm
Black Mother of Pearl
(065-237) 12 for $5.79
49 cents each

12 x 10 mm
Mother of Pearl
(067-134) 12 for $4.43
37 cents each

12 x 10 mm
Tiger's Eye
(067-532) 6 for $3.98
67 cents each

12 x 10 mm
(082-336) 6 for $3.08
52 cents each

12 x 10 mm
Rose Quartz
(065-049) 12 for $4.30
36 cents each

12 x 10 mm
Black Onyx
(067-962) 12 for $3.54
29 cents each

12 x 10 mm
(067-332) 6 for $4.98
83 cents each

12 x 10 mm
Snowflake Obsidian
(082-176) 6 for $3.60
60 cents each

12 x 10 mm
Lizard Skin Jasper
(082-136) 12 for $4.30
36 cents each

12 x 10 mm
Red Jasper
(082-096) 12 for $4.55
38 cents each

12 x 10 mm
(065-155) 12 for $6.32
53 cents each

12 x 10 mm
(065-020) 12 for $5.06
42 cents each

12 x 10 mm
(082-712) 12 for $6.83
57 cents each

12 x 10 mm
Green Agate
(068-757) 12 for $4.05
38 cents each

Silversmithing Contest for
May 2002
Deadline For Submitting Entries: April 20th, 2002
Materials List For May 2002
2 inches of 3/16 serrated fine silver bezel
12 inches of 18 gauge found sterling silver wire
1 inch x 1 inch 26 gauge sterling silver sheet
You still have time! I think? You decide!
This is how much time is left before you must summit your entry.